eliminate humidity Tag

[toc] What is black mould? There are many types of mould, but we will focus on the most dangerous: black mould. Colloquially, we call the Stachybotrys chartarum fungus a toxic or black mould. It is a microorganism that is very dangerous for humans, as it can produce...

[toc] Basements that are not well waterproofed, and especially those in older houses, often suffer from dampness that is difficult to remove. If they are not treated correctly and in a short period of time, they wear down the structure of the house and can lead...

[toc] When moisture appears on a wall, whether in the house or in the garage, it is important to treat it with the right materials and techniques so that it does not reappear. With basic treatments, which serve as a patch, you will only have spent...

[toc] Dampness is a big problem for the walls of your house, not only because of the aesthetics of having the upper area blackened, but also because it damages the structure of the house and can produce very dangerous detachments. That is why we recommend you to...

[toc] When dampness appears in a house, it must be removed quickly so that it does not seriously affect its structure or the health of the tenants. Anti-humidity treatments cannot be applied by just anyone, as technical knowledge and specialised material are needed to remove them so...

[toc] In order to be able to eliminate dampness definitively and effectively, it is not enough to apply any treatment available on the market. Specialist knowledge, diagnostic equipment and products designed to treat that particular type of moisture are needed for the best possible result. Otherwise,...

[toc] When humidity appears in the house, you must act quickly before it affects the structure and the health of the tenants. Although it seems that there are many solutions for dampness, few really work and only if they are suitable for the type of dampness...

[toc] When dampness appears in a house or garage, it can be a serious problem if it is not removed permanently and in a short period of time. It affects the structure of the house or garage causing it to collapse over time, and also the...

[toc] Today we can say that there are three the most common types of humidity that we can find in a house. And, when you want to remove them, the quick and easy method is to 'scratch and paint on the surface', this is a quick...

[toc] Even if you think you know where the moisture is coming from in your home or garage, you may have found that it keeps coming back after you've removed it. It is not so easy to know its source, and yet it is the key...

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