To solve dampness caused by condensation a VMI (Mechanical Ventilation by Insufflation) needs to be installed, which is a system that facilitates the renewing of the air in your home without having to constantly open windows.
It is the fastest and most effective solution, and within two to three days any humidity or dampness caused by condensation disappears. With a single VMI treatment we can ventilate and clean the air in any house of up to 150 square meters. VMI is a state of the art system which automatically activates only when necessary, and constantly measures both the interior and exterior temperatures, as well as the relative and absolute humidity, in order to decide the best time for air ventilation.
If the treatment is undergone in winter we will preheat the air before entering the home, and the air will also be filtered to prevent particles or pollen entering from outside.
The electricity consumption is very low, and uses approximately one third of a dehumidifier’s electrical consumption. Furthermore, the VMI does not make noise, within a metre’s distance the sound is practically unnoticeable.