31 May How to measure humidity
Measuring humidity is crucial in a variety of contexts, from indoor air quality monitoring to maintaining optimal conditions in industrial and agricultural processes.
From our position as a company, at Humilogic we will talk about the importance of measuring humidity, the different methods and devices used, and how to interpret the data obtained.
Humidity, that is, the amount of water vapor present in the air, has a significant impact on our comfort and on a variety of industrial and agricultural processes. Accurate moisture measurement is essential to ensure optimal conditions in residential, commercial and productive environments.
Importance of measuring the humidity
In residential and work environments, maintaining adequate humidity levels (usually between 30% and 50%) is crucial for people’s comfort and health. Excessive humidity can promote the growth of mold and dust mites, while low humidity can cause dryness in the skin and airways. It should be added that in many industries, such as pharmaceutical and food industries, it is essential to maintain specific moisture levels to ensure product quality and safety.
How do you know if there is too much moisture in your house?
Maintaining adequate levels of humidity in the home is crucial for the health and well-being of its inhabitants, as well as for the integrity of the building’s structure. Excessive humidity can cause a range of problems, from health problems to property damage.
Por ejemplo, si frecuentemente encuentras ventanas y espejos empañados, especialmente en la mañana, es un indicio de que hay demasiada humedad en el aire. A parte, un olor a moho persistente en ciertas áreas de la casa, como sótanos, baños o armarios, puede ser una señal clara de humedad excesiva. Además, la aparición de manchas negras, verdes o grises en paredes, techos y esquinas es un signo evidente de crecimiento de moho, que prospera en ambientes húmedos.
La pintura que se descascara o el papel tapiz que se despega de las paredes puede ser causado por la humedad que se acumula detrás de estas superficies. Cabe añadir que, las puertas marcos de ventanas y muebles de madera que se hinchan o deforman son señales de que han absorbido demasiada humedad.
Peeling paint or wallpaper that peels off walls can be caused by moisture building up behind these surfaces. It should be added that, the window frames doors and wooden furniture that swell or deform are signs that they have absorbed too much moisture.
Tools to measure humidity in the home
Digital hydrometer
- How It Works: measures the relative humidity in the air accurately. Most models also show the temperature.
- Usage: place the hygrometer in different rooms to get an accurate reading of humidity levels. Optimal levels are usually between 30% and 50%.
Dehumidifiers with integrated meter
- How It Works: some dehumidifiers come with an integrated moisture meter that shows the current humidity levels in the room.
- Use: use in moisture-prone areas to control and reduce excessive moisture levels.
Interpretation of the moisture data
- Relative humidity: expressed in percentage, the relative humidity indicates the amount of water vapour present in the air compared to the maximum amount that the air can contain at that temperature.
- Dewpoint: is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated with moisture and the water vapor begins to condense. A high dew point indicates a high moisture content in the air.
- Absolute humidity: is the total amount of water vapor in the air, expressed in grams per cubic meter (g/m³). This value does not depend on temperature and is useful in scientific and industrial applications.
Do you want to get rid of the humidity in your house? Do not hesitate to contact us.